BEARINGNEWS Magazine Mar-Apr-May issue is here


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The World Bearing & Power Transmission Meeting

BEARING NEWS Magazine begins this new edition with the highly anticipated Bearing & Power Transmission World Meetings.  This unique in-person event, created and hosted by the BEARING NEWS team, is the World’s first dedicated meetup at the global level where 30+ countries from all continents will be represented by delegations of bearing and power transmission professionals.  The event is scheduled to take place on 04-06 June, 2023 in Istanbul and will run for 3 days, with table meetings, welcome dinner, lunches and many more networking opportunities among distributors, manufacturers, solution -and service providers.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Further in this Issue, enjoy a series of classic BEARING NEWS interviews with leading industry professionals from across the globe.  Alejandro Pardinas, CEO at Atlantic Bearing Services, discusses the story and journey of his company.  Aleksejs Lorencs, Commercial Director at Baltic Bearing Company examines the full expansion of production capacity and sales.  Next, Mark Griffiths, Managing Director at Chain Supply UK, overviews the story of the Rotherham based Industrial Solution Provider.  Next hear from Giuseppe Panaccione, Vice President and Business Development Manager at NHB Italy, a premium supplier of high-quality steel and aluminum balls.  And finally, Bob Nayyar Dikshit, Manufacturing Partner at King Tiger Sleeves, talks bearing sleeves and locknut solutions.

What’s Rolling…

What’s Rolling in the Bearing Industry. Learn details about key companies and trends, announcements, product developments, and other newsworthy advancements. All this and more can be found in this new edition of BEARING NEWS Magazine.

We hope that you will enjoy it!

BearingNews Team
[email protected]

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