From Tradition to Tech: NBC Bearing’s innovative approach to high-speed and sensor-integrated bearings


Welcome to Motion Masters! This episode was recorded at the Bearing and Power Transmission World Meetings 2024 in Istanbul, featuring an exclusive interview with Jatin Sharma from NBC Bearings, a global leader in the bearing industry. Jatin takes us through NBC’s remarkable journey from its origins in India to its international success, highlighting key innovations in high-speed and sensor-integrated bearings. We also discuss the role of AI and digitization in revolutionizing manufacturing, NBC’s commitment to sustainability with a target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2030, and the challenges faced by the power transmission sector as it transitions to electric drive systems.

If you’re interested in the future of manufacturingsustainability, or how AI is reshaping industries, this episode is for you! Don’t miss out on this insightful conversation.

 for more industry insights and leave a comment with your thoughts!


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