Nienke van der Reijden and Peter Wijburg to rise to CFO and CIO at ABF


ABF has a new Chief Finance Officer (CFO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). With these new functions, CEO Ben van Oosterhout aims to ensure further growth of the company. A quick introduction.

Eighteen months ago, the new CEO Ben van Oosterhout set a clear target: preparing ABF for a future that allows further growth and ensures stability. “As the CEO and sole board member, you are easily the single point of failure. This may get in the way of growth and make the company unnecessarily vulnerable. So it is high time to share responsibilities by expanding the executive team. Appointing a CFO and CIO is a logical next step.”

To begin with, Nienke van der Reijden has been appointed as the company’s new CFO. Six years ago, she made the move from public accountant to Finance Manager at ABF.

“In my early days at ABF, I processed invoices and bank mutations. The growth of ABF meant that my function changed quickly, and my new role allowed me to grow on a personal level as well. To be given this CFO title is certainly significant. Future plans for ABF largely depend on how I manage our Finance department. Fortunately, I won’t have to do this alone, as I will be working closely with Ben and Peter. The three of us complement each other perfectly, and we share the same standards and values.”

Peter Wijburg started as IT manager when ABF was still a small company. From day one, he has been committed to making ABF an international player of importance. He has a down-to-earth view of his new role as CIO. “It may be the crowning glory of my work, but ask me in 18 months’ time what exactly it has meant. What I do know is that without the right people who challenge me and keep me sharp, I would not have been able to grow to this position. There is a great culture within ABF that embraces innovation. As a result, we are ahead in IT.”

ABF has seen tremendous growth in recent years and the future also offers plenty of opportunities. “Without Peter and Nienke’s preparatory work, this would not have been possible. A true achievement,” says Ben van Oosterhout. “Our drive to be the best is something we see throughout the organisation. These new positions mean we are creating space for other colleagues to grow as well.”

Source: ABF


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