ZKL Grease and Oils

ZKL Greasetrbw


We are pleased to announce that ZKL extends its product range. Today we can offer to all our customers not only high quality bearings but also grease and oils under the ZKL brand.

ZKL GreaseThe current plastic ZKL grease and oils are specialy designed for bearings and can be compared with top products from renowned manufacturers such as SKF, FAG, SHELL, Klüber etc. ZKL grease and oils are based on highly refined mineral bases and their properties are enhanced by various additives, by which the desired properties such as high pressure, corrosion, antioxidant, de-emulsification, etc., are achieved.

ZKL Greasetrbw

Grease lubrication in-CTBU

Please have a look at our website ZKL, in the section Grease, selection tables of the grease and data sheets of the individual types of grease and their precise determination of use and specifications. You can also download the full Technical broshure about ZKL Grease and Oils here ZKL GREASE AND OIL DOCUMENT.

Our technical dept. is ready to help you also with any issue related to bearing´s lubrication while our area managers will provide you with any sales related issue.

Last but not least we would like to stress out that all the grease and oil sold under the ZKL brand  are produced in Czech Republic and that they do comply with the actual environmental regulations (data sheets available upon request).

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. We would be glad to receive your feedback.

ZKL, a.s.
Jedovnická 8, 628 00 Brno
tel.: +420 544 135 106
fax: +420 544 210 360
web: www.zkl.eu
e-mail: [email protected]


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