321 Delegates from 42 Countries have met at Bearing & Power in Istanbul – picture gallery


The great city of Istanbul has witnessed a lot during its rich and long history, but has it seen Bearing & Power Transmission World Meetings, WIN Eurasia (Hannover Fairs Turkey) Exhibition and the Champions League final – all in the same week? Not until 04 to 10 June this year!

When such an opportunity for networking comes along, it is difficult to say “No” and we were delighted to welcome a unique group of bearing and PT professionals at the Bearing & Power event from all around the World.

321 Delegates from 42 Countries
have met at
Bearing & Power event
in Istanbul

The program for the week started with the welcome dinner on Sunday 04 June, and continued with B2B table meetings, company presentations at the Expo area and networking lunches, breaks and many more networking opportunities among distributors, manufacturers, solution- and service providing companies till 06 June.

In addition to the Bearing & Power event, most of the participants extended their stay and visited the WIN Eurasia exhibition organized by Hannover Fairs Turkey, which is the largest and most important regional industry event.

We hope everyone has made it back home with a fresh set of ideas and fruitful connections to last a lifetime and look forward to meet the bearing and power transmission professionals at a more extended edition in 2024.

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Main Participants

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